About Us

About Us


Western Auto opened on Broadway Street in downtown Myrtle Beach. It was primarily an auto parts and tire store, but also sold other products such as Western Flyer bicycles. The store occupied two (2) buildings at this location. The larger building housed the auto parts and other products, the smaller building housed the automotive tire department.


It became clear that the bicycle portion of the business could be an area for further growth. Unfortunately, named brand bicycle manufacturers were reluctant to sell to a Western Auto store โ€“ preferring an independent bicycle shop. The decision was then made to physically separate the bicycles and related accessories from the rest of Western Auto. The tire and auto repair department was then moved to a building behind Broadway Street. The small building that had housed the tire department was re-designed into a small bicycle business with sales and service departments. Additional brands of bicycles and accessories were added. At that time there were four (4) bicycle stores in Myrtle Beach. The Bike Shop at Western Auto had begun and continued to increase in sales as other bicycle stores closed.


Western Auto became Bumper to Bumper Auto Supply and The Bike Shop at Western Auto became The Bike Shop โ€“ two (2) separate businesses. The Bike Shop was small in size, but sales continued to increase.


It was decided to greatly expand The Bike Shop and exit the auto supply business. The bicycle business then took over both of the two (2) buildings at the Broadway Street location occupying approximately 7,000 square feet of space. The new name became Beach Bike Shop. Bicycle inventory increased substantially with several name brands, as well as bicycle parts, and accessories. Beach Bike Shop became the largest bicycle shop in the area and continues to grow.

For over 30 years we have supported the bicycling community to include supplying and maintaining bicycles for the various law enforcement and emergency services organizations.

We continue to encourage the development of bicycle lanes and paths throughout the city and The Horry County Bike/Run/Walk Trail (The Hulk).